Resurrection Power For Today

This Holy Week, as we spend a somber Friday imagining the horror of what Jesus went through, as we sit expectantly on Saturday wondering what Jesus’s followers were thinking on the Saturday after his crucifixion, and then as we celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, attend joyful church services, perhaps participate in Easter egg hunts, have dinner with family and/or friends and indulge in a little candy, we will have been on an emotional roller coaster. Then what?

That weekend, 2000 or so years ago, the climax of God’s plan, the stunning demonstration God’s immense love, unending grace, and perfect justice, causes us to praise and thank God. Again and again. Jesus’s resurrection also gives us the promise of eternal life and power for our every-day lives on this side of eternity.

The resurrection is most often considered in theological terms. It is the linchpin of Christian doctrine, proving that Jesus was, in fact, God. The resurrection demonstrates his victory over sin and death; it offers hope of our own future resurrection in perfect eternal bodies (that thought is more glorious every year); it was a display of great power; and it reminds us that our existence is not limited to this world. There is much, much more to come.

That is all true and inspiring, but is my life today, still stuck on this crazy earth in an imperfect body and a sinful heart, any different because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

It should be, absolutely. But it often isn’t.

Somehow, in a mysterious transaction that I do not fully understand, those who believe in Jesus Christ become part of him and he of us. We are “in Christ” and he is in us. Therefore, Christians have access to supernatural power.  Really.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” (Ephesians 1:3) Paul puts no qualifiers in that statement; therefore, it applies to all of us.

When I am tempted, I have the power to resist.

When I am fearful, I have power to trust in the love of God and act in faith.

When I am confused, I have access to Divine wisdom.

When I am discouraged, I have access to a Spirit of joy.

When I doubt my worth, I have confidence that I am a child of God.

When I am at the end of my strength and skill, the Spirit of God works through me.

When I am in trouble, I have peace that passes all understanding.

God is for us, he has given us more than we need to serve and glorify him, he loves us, he desires that we live abundantly, and he has made a way for us to spend eternity with him. I know all of this is true, but I don’t always live like I know it’s true.

This Easter, and the days after Easter, I will attempt to remember what the resurrection means for me every day. How about you?

“I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms…” Ephesians 1:18-20

Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash

6 thoughts on “Resurrection Power For Today

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  1. Thanks for this specific application of our access to the very power of the resurrection! These are my go to verses when I need a reminder of what kind of life God affords us.
    Thank you Judy!

  2. Beautiful reminder. Sounds like you’re always ready for each day to be a celebration of Easter.

    1. Thank you Sallye, but I wrote this for myself. It’s easy to forget what Resurrection power is available to us! Have a blessed Easter!

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